Monday, February 11, 2013

Week Three TWIWTB

So I hit a roadblock last week.  Justin's back was in bad shape and he ended up staying home all week.  I've got a mental block when Justin is home.  I lose my motivation.  It was terrible for the 10 weeks he was home at the end of last year.  I know I need to get over this but it made me pretty unproductive last week.  I did not do my YNAB budget.  I walked 2.5 of the 4 miles.  The mail organization did not happen.  I did read my book club book, but still not as much as I should have.  So it was not a productive week as far as those goals went.  On the plus side though, I did meal plan and Justin and I are back on the diet and weight loss train.  I took Daphne to the park and the Children's museum.  I was showered and dressed by 9 am all week.

So I've been debating.  Do I work on the same things this week that I listed last week?  I wanted my focus to really be diet and exercise this week.  Diet and exercise it is, but the others I will still work on this week too.

So, The Woman I Want To Be. . .

drinks 6 (8oz) glasses of water every day, minimum.
cuts back on her processed carb intake like bread, crackers, chips--so much better for my PCOS
exercises.  Going to shoot for 5 miles walking this week.
makes a monthly meal plan of healthy dinners--even if it's a two week repeat.

I started making a list of the low fat meals and sides I have made in the past and enjoyed.  May are from and Weight Watchers.
Tex Mex Lasagna
Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Spicy Thai-Style No-Cook Stir Fry
Beef Barley Soup
Chicken Pot Pie Soup
Huevos Rancheros
Pumpkin Spice Pancakes
Garlic Cheddar Biscuits

And now off to clean my mess of a house.

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