Monday, February 18, 2013

TWIWTB Week Four

Last week was OK. I got in my water. I meal planned and stuck too it all but one day but still made healthy food choices. I did 3 of the 5 miles I wanted to do. Carbs are still by downfall.

So this week I am doing a maintenance week. This mean I'm going to focus on the things I listed the last three weeks and not add anything new.

These have been going just fine and have become habit for the most part:
~The woman I want to be is showered and dressed before 9 am.
~The woman I want to be meal plans.
~The woman I want to be takes her daughter to the park twice a week.
~The woman I want to be drinks 6 (8oz) glasses of water every day, minimum.

These ones are in need of committment or re-committment.
~The woman I want to be exercises at least 20 minutes every day and/or The woman I want to be walks 4-5 miles a week.
~The woman I want to be maintains her YNAB budget--this means I will spend as little as I can for the rest of this month and kick it into gear for March. I will enter my receipts at the end of each day.
~The woman I want to be has a plan for the mail. It is picked up every day, sorted, filed/tossed/shredded and any bills paid immediately.
~The woman I want to be finishes her book club book every month before we meet. This means putting aside BBC and FB more and opting for a book.  I don't think this will happen this month sonce book club is Thursday and I'm maybe 20% finished.
~The woman I want to be cuts back on her processed carb intake like bread, crackers, chips--so much better for my PCOS.

Besides TWIWTB project.

My mom made a short visit over the weekend.  I loved it.  Daphne loved it.  Justin and I got to go to a movie--Stand Up Guys.  We both enjoyed the flick.  I'm finding Justin to be an annoying dieter though.  He is so anal and black and white over it.  He MUST know the calories or he pretty much refuses to eat.  And if at a restaurant, he will not ask then to modify ANYTHING.  He will only order off the menu.  That makes ordering very stressful for me.  And it is just annoying.  For the upcoming weekend one of my dear friends is coming to visit.  We plan to eat out one night--otherwise I'm cooking.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week Three TWIWTB

So I hit a roadblock last week.  Justin's back was in bad shape and he ended up staying home all week.  I've got a mental block when Justin is home.  I lose my motivation.  It was terrible for the 10 weeks he was home at the end of last year.  I know I need to get over this but it made me pretty unproductive last week.  I did not do my YNAB budget.  I walked 2.5 of the 4 miles.  The mail organization did not happen.  I did read my book club book, but still not as much as I should have.  So it was not a productive week as far as those goals went.  On the plus side though, I did meal plan and Justin and I are back on the diet and weight loss train.  I took Daphne to the park and the Children's museum.  I was showered and dressed by 9 am all week.

So I've been debating.  Do I work on the same things this week that I listed last week?  I wanted my focus to really be diet and exercise this week.  Diet and exercise it is, but the others I will still work on this week too.

So, The Woman I Want To Be. . .

drinks 6 (8oz) glasses of water every day, minimum.
cuts back on her processed carb intake like bread, crackers, chips--so much better for my PCOS
exercises.  Going to shoot for 5 miles walking this week.
makes a monthly meal plan of healthy dinners--even if it's a two week repeat.

I started making a list of the low fat meals and sides I have made in the past and enjoyed.  May are from and Weight Watchers.
Tex Mex Lasagna
Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Spicy Thai-Style No-Cook Stir Fry
Beef Barley Soup
Chicken Pot Pie Soup
Huevos Rancheros
Pumpkin Spice Pancakes
Garlic Cheddar Biscuits

And now off to clean my mess of a house.

Monday, February 4, 2013


It's a new week. I did OK with last week's list. I was showered and dressed every day by 9am and most days I was more productive because if it--that will continue. I took Daphne to the park twice. She loved it and it got us out and moving around--that will continue. Meal planning, not such a good job, but I will keep at it. Exercise was a bust--I only did one mile on one day, blah.

So all week I jotted down ideas as they came to me and I'll get to all of them eventually. I also made categories that they fit into and thought about what my long term goal are in different areas of my life.

So here is this week's list on which I will focus. . .

1.  The woman I want to be continues that things she worked on last week.
2.  The woman I want to be maintains her YNAB budget--this means I will catch up last month and input this month so far.  I will enter my receipts at the end of each day.
Diet and Exercise
Long Term Goal: eat healthy every day, every meal.  be a fit and active woman.  be a reasonable weight for my height (165 lbs)
3.  The woman I want to be walks 4 miles a week.
Long term Goal:  a cleaner more organized house
4.  The woman I want to be has a plan for the mail.  It is picked up every day, sorted, filed/tossed/shredded and any bills paid immediately.
Personal Care and Productivity
5.  The woman I want to be finishes her book club book every month before we meet.  This means putting aside BBC and FB more and opting for a book.